Our Purpose
The Rogue Valley Food System Network fosters connections to promote equitable food access, ecologically sound agricultural practices and economic vitality.
Our Vision
The Rogue Valley has a visible, engaged and vibrant food system.
Become the hub for food systems related work in Southern Oregon.
Build the sustainability and visibility of local food and farming businesses and organizations.
Incorporate equity, diversity and inclusion into all of our work.
Focus on convening with purpose and being a catalyst for action.
Read the whole Strategic Plan here!

We value shared learning. We educate network partners and the broader public about the challenges and opportunities in our food system.
We acknowledge the dynamic community of leaders an innovators in the Rogue Valley. We foster collaboration and shared leadership within the food system network.
We are proud of the people and organizations that make our food system strong. We celebrate Rogue Valley farmers, food artisans and the engaged community whose choices makes the food system sustainable.
What We Do
Public presentations: We host public presentations and invite speakers to present on the challenges and opportunities in the local food system.
RVFSN website: We are working to develop a comprehensive website with food-system resources and a calendar of food and farm events.
Working groups: We facilitate focused working groups among council members, partners and community members addressing food-system challenges.
Rogue Flavor Guide: The Rogue Flavor Guide highlights what makes the Rogue Valley unique — the local farms, food businesses and organizations that create the distinctive, local flavor of our community.
Brews, Bluegrass and BBQ: This annual event brings together the best of the Rogue Valley’s craft brewers and artisan foods in a down-on-the-farm celebration of our local flavor.
Rogue Valley Farm Tour: We sponsor this annual event co-hosted by Ashland and Medford food co-ops.
Double-Up Food Bucks: We support efforts to fund this nutrition-assistance program at farmers markets in Ashland, Medford and Grants Pass.